0x0 0x0 is an error code mostly on Windows XP, this error occurs mostly when there is a breach of data transfer with the registry system32. This guide will teach you how to fix error 0x0 0x0 on Windows XP computer operating system.
This problem usually occurs when the programs try to write the reference data from those files to your computer registry system32 or program files.
At the end of this guide, you will learn how to fix this error code 0x0 0x0, please kindly let us know below the comment box if this guide works for you.
Method 1 on How to solve Error code 0x0 0x0 on Windows XP
- Firstly, press the Windows key + R, this will open the run dialogue box.
Type “services.msc” without quotes - Double click the system restore service then select “Disable” from the startup menu box.
- Followed by Services go to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc where ETC stands for Error Table Consistency.
- Then, Delete all the files in the ETC folder.
- Now open the Regedit by typing “Regedit” on the system run command and go to Search, on the top menu of the registry editor, and type 0x0 0x0.
- Go ahead and delete all the entries in this section, note, if the entries are more than 10 only.
- Also, from your computer, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services and delete these two folders: RpcSs and DcomLaunch.
Restart your computer and the error will be gone successfully, this will stop windows from popping the annoying message about 0x0 0x0 from Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition service pack 3 when you try to run an application or install a driver again.
Why does this error code 0x0 0x0 occur?
This error code 0x0 0x0 occurs when there are unnecessary files being loaded in the background and breach the system32 registry service.
The error 0x0 0x0 can be fixed by following some troubleshooting steps. You should be able to fix it by following the following steps, but if you are still unable to fix it please contact customer service.
Method 2 on How to Fix 0x0 0x0 error code on Windows XP
- To begin with, restart your computer and wait for it to boot up again before you do anything else.
- Try running the program that is giving you the error code to see if this fixes the problem. If that doesn’t work then move on to step 3.
- If that didn’t work then try uninstalling and reinstalling the software that is giving you the error message and see if this fixes the problem. If this doesn’t work either then try contacting the program’s developer to see if there is another way they can help you.
- If that doesn’t work then try updating your drivers or reinstalling them if they are old or corrupted. You can do this by visiting your computer manufacturer’s website and searching for your model of computer and finding the most recent drivers available.
- Another thing you could do right off the bat is run a virus scan on your computer because this might be caused by a virus getting in the way of whatever process was running when this error code pops up on screen.
- Lastly, clean out temporary files on your system using an application like CCleaner so that space isn’t being hogged by unnecessary things slowing down your computer processes while trying to figure out how to fix error 0x0 0x0
If you still can’t fix this error code after following these steps then please contact customer support.
What is the Meaning of error code “0x0 0x0”
0x0 0x0 is an hexadecimal number. The error code 0x0 0x0 means that there is no corresponding message for this issue.
Most times it is recommended to run a full system scan to know exactly what the problem may be, this gives you insight on exactly what program to navigate and a step-by-step procedure on how to get rid of the error code.
You can use Bitdefender Antivirus Plus to run a full root system scan to detect for could course the error code 0x0 0x0. If the problem is detected the Antivirus is capable of removing the problem, else, the solution outlined above should help.
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